How to Identify and Remove Fake YouTube Video Spam on Facebook

Be careful, there is a new kind of spam running in Facebook. Facebook users receive a wall post that looks quite tempting and when they click on the link they are taken to the self replicating spam called “omg you look so stupid in this video”. This spam is going viral. I”m noticing my friends and relatives are sending many suspicious video links on my wall. So I decided to find a solution for identify this type of fake videos. Here is some solutions to find out any YouTube video is original or not.

How To Identify Fake YouTube Videos on Facebook

Next time please check Facebook videos with any of the below tips before going to click on it.

Tip 1 : The fake YouTube Video update usually does not show the complete URL to the video as you can see in the snapshot below.

Tip 2 : The fake YouTube video does not have a proper title. Only it has catch lines look like “omg arun you look so stupid in this video”

Tip 3 : There is two play buttons, a grey pay button in the middle of the video which looks like YouTube play button and Facebook play button. Actually for real videos have only one play button.

Tip 4 : Think with your common sense before going to click any tempting links.

If you already clicked this scam, you are giving it the ability to post to your personal profile wall and if you Administrate a Facebook page, also the ability to post to your Facebook pages wall. Follow below procedure for safety purpose.

Simply click the cross sign on the top right side of the update and click “Mark as Spam”, this will report it to the Facebook security team to take some action against it as well as it will be removed from your wall.

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