Secrets to Blogging Success: An Interview With Raju PP of

Raju PP, Founder and Chief-Editor for Technically Personal, is a leading technology blogger from India. Raju PP talks about his experience, as well as the hallmarks of successful blogging. He was featured amongst 151 Top Tech Indians by Exhibit magazine in May 2011. Technically Personal, launched in 2008, is one of the top technology blogs on the web with focus on personal and consumer technology including web tools and gadgets.

Raju PP was recently interviewed by Arun Wilson. Here’s some of the most important points to take away from the interview.

Arun:  Hi, can you please introduce yourself ?

Raju:  This is Raju from Technically Personal, a Bangalore based professional technology blogger. I am an Engineering graduate and worked with Infosys Technologies for 5 years before going full time with Blogging.

Arun: When did u start blogging and what inspired it?

Raju: I guess it was in 2004 after having seen a classmate showing off his blogspot blog. I thought it was cool to have a personal site to archive my rants!

Arun: What role has previous organizations with which you have worked with helped in shaping you as a successful blogger today?

Raju: A lot of things really. Professionalism and communication skills were the two most important takeaways from my Infosys experience.

Arun: Apart from blogging, what do you like to do in your spare time?

Raju: I love to play cricket and watch movies. And in recent times I have started to enjoy the weekend shopping trips!

Arun: Over the past years, what trend do you see about people blogging?

Raju: There is a definite upsurge, specially in India. More and more people are getting aware of this phenomenon and as a by-product of that many are taking it up as well.

Arun: Do you think that too many software professionals bored out of their work are trying to enter Blogging and in turn bringing down the quality of blogs?

Raju: Most of the times, Quality and Quantity are inversely proportional. It is wrong to point fingers at any one section of the society for quality of blogs (or the lack of it). But the good thing is, low quality don’t suffice & stand-out for long!

Arun: What future trends do you see for blogging?

Raju: There is an interesting trend which has already started. More and more businesses are finding the potential and need to have blogs. And conversely, more and more blogs are becoming businesses. Micro-blogging sites like Twitter are about to go mainstream. I see the definition of blogging getting changed as it will take various forms in the near future.

Arun: Which areas are likely to grow and which are to go down?

Raju: I am not sure if I’m capable enough to comment on this. Web as a whole is constantly evolving. As I said before, blogging by itself will evolve and take different forms. With improvements in technology, I believe video blogging will be the next major thing. In fact it already is!

Arun: Who do you consider as your guru?

Raju: I try my best to learn and get the best out of everyone I meet or come across.

Arun: Any tips you would like to share with the newly aspiring bloggers?

Raju: Never fear to experiment. Learn from others, but always look to innovate and be unique.

Arun: Thanks for spending your valuable time with us for this interview.

You can follow him on Twitter @rajupp

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