Facebook vs. Google+ [INFOGRAPHIC]

The new social networking project Google+ making waves in social media world. All are saying this would be a Facebook killer. Everyone is comparing the features of Google+ and Facebook. Techno Bombs have made an awesome infographic showing a comparison of Facebook and Google+ .

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One thought on “Facebook vs. Google+ [INFOGRAPHIC]”
  1. Some Corrections…

    * Facebook’s Mobile Apps do have chat option. In my android app, there is a button on the homepage called Chat. No Group Chat though.
    * Facebook lets you exclude some people from seeing a post, where as G+ only allows inclusion.
    * There is no G+ app on the app store – an app has been submitted, but not available for installation.
    * You haven’t mentioned photo auto-upload feature of G+ android app.
    * What happened to the star ratings after a couple of comparisons?
    * G+ Photos are higher resolution (2048 pixels on the longer side) than FB (640px)